Hiya howdy! Haha, it's me! Again TWO years later. Well, I have some excuses, life got really in the way. I unfortunately lost my father unexpectedly at the beginning of the year. Then back in September I was on the impact side of a T-bone car accident. I am well on my way to recovery but I did suffer a fractured ankle that needed surgery. Since I am on temporary disability from the accident I thought what better time than now to update the site? I am hoping to add a ton more content as well as finally add all of the stuff I have been slacking on posting the last five years. I need to redo SITE-ID as I have a new custom PC and all of my old PSP templates are gone. It's nice though, I have been playing so many games lately which has been exciting. Currently I'm playing New World. Any ways, I have a ton of ideas for the site so I'm trying to keep motivted with updating. I'm so sad to see quite a few of my affies/mutuals are gone now. I hope on to bigger and better things.
Well that's it for now! Thank you all for all of your patience.

Listed updates

Adopt an Utena Rose
Hiatus lifted
New Layout
Site of The Month Applicants Needed

More coming very soon~!

Icon by Me | Past Updates

Hi everyone xx So I went on an unexpected hiatus since April of 2021. Life got pretty chaotic but I'm slowly getting back into the groove of neocities. I did check my emails periodically and did see that there are some SITE ID's, claims and awards applications that have been requested since I have been gone. I promise I will be getting to those either today or sometime later this week. I do have quite a bit of stuff that I need to add and clean up so I will be getting to that as well.
Thank you all for all of your patience.

Listed updates:

Hiatus lifted
New Layout
Site of The Month Applicants Needed

Okay I believe that's it for now~! More coming very soon~!

Icon by Me | Past Updates

listed updates:

2 - Award Winners
New SITE-ID Members
Site of The Month Applicants Needed

Okay I believe that's it for now~! More coming very soon~!

Icon by Me | Past Updates

Hiya howdy everyone~! So I have been gone for what has it been? Over five months? I really apologize for that ^^; I'm afraid life got really chaotic and sort of took up the majority of my time~! I'm working two jobs as well as enrolled back into college so needless to say I'm swamped with responsibilities xD But~! I have come back and decided to start off with a brand new layout~! This time with Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibimoon~! I honestly love Sailor Moon and can say that it was really what started my anime craze back in the 90's~! After that it was Tenchi Muyo that took over~ Maybe that could be my next layout ^^ I would say that Sailor Moon Super S was my favorite arc because I was so in love with Amazoness Quartet~! I really wanted to be JunJun so badly~! xD Well, other than just the layout, I have updated some other stuff~! Mainly SITE-ID's and gave out some awards~! I do need some applicants for SOTM so that I can get that up and going this next month, so if you are anyone you know would like the chance to wind an award please send them this way~! Hopefully I will get some more stuff up soon, but for now I hope the new layout is some sufficient eye-candy ^^ Okay anywho on to the listed updates:

New Layout - V. Sailor Moon
2 - Award Winners
New SITE-ID Members
Site of The Month Applicants Needed

Okay I believe that's it for now~! More coming very soon~!

Icon by Salya | Past Updates

Hiya howdy everyone~! I may seem like I stepped away but I have actually been doing lots of updates~! Just didn't find a moment to sit and type up everything I have been doing~! First off I ended up changing the layout to a SonAmy one like I mentioned I would haha~ I love Rainbow Brite but was itching for a SonAmy inspired graphic~! I think it's very cheery and bright which is what I need right now honestly ^^; I hope you are all doing well and are keeping safe~! It's crazy that it is already the middle of May, no~? Oh~! Also I have to give a huge thanks to Salya for my new SSB Vegeta icon~! She made it for me as a prize for her wallpaper contest~ If you haven't checked out her site please go check it out~! Also, I have finally started uploading and adding to my Glitter Graphics account, so if you are also apart of that community please add me or request a glitter from me ^^ I could use the practice!

Big conragtulations to Carla over at Karasu.me for winning May's SOTM~!
Please go and visit her site as it is so well made and will give you the best nostalgia feelings~!

Okay anywho on to the listed updates:

New Layout - V. SonAmy
Glitter Graphics Profile
My Custom Blinkies
My Sig Tags
New Collected Stamps
2 - Guess Who Winners
2 - New Link Me Buttons
Site of The Month Applicants Needed

Okay I believe that's it for now~! More coming very soon~!

Icon by Salya | Past Updates

Hi everyone~! Sorry I have been a bit quiet in the internet lately! There has been so much going on offline that I'm sure everyone is well aware of~ I hope you are all doing well and are okay! Being stuck in the house has given me an excuse to change the layout! And honestly, I needed something cheerful and colorful so who better than Rainbow Brite~!? There isn't many updates besides the layout overhaul! I am sort of itching to make as sonic themed layout so it may change pretty soon~ But we shall see! My next SOTM will take some time since I haven't been recruiting applicants as aggresively as I have in the past, so I will get on that! Other than that there isn't much more to say! I did add some GIF pages and I will add more very soon! Again I hope you are all good and well~

Okay I believe that's it for now~! More coming very soon~!

Icon by Salya

Hello again~! I know that I said in my last update that I was tired but this time I am REALLY tired xD First off if you didn't notice I changed the layout~! This would mark the third layout for Nightmare Fantasmic~! I have grown so attached to this site now and I am really happy and content with the growth it is showing ^^ I have expanded on affies and mutuals so please visit all of them as their sites are just the best <3 I just want to say that I am really happy and overjoyed that so many people are enjoying my TCG! We are already to 12 cardholders and I never thought it would get to that many in just a month ;____; I love seeing everyone trading and expanding their decks~! I hope you are all making some new friends in our little web community~! I also can't believe the site is over half way to 2,000 hits ;O; Thank you always for visiting~! Well now that I got all of my sappy stuff out of the way I will leave with the updates~ Until next time~! ^^v

New Claims
New Enter Signs
New Swapex Trades
Claims Tag V.2
Site of The Month Applicants Needed

Okay I believe that's it for now~! More coming very soon~!

Hi every body~! I am super tired xD I have done a lot to the site since New Year, and I'm certainly accomplished~! First off, my site has hit 1000 HITS!!! Thank you to every one being so interactive with my newly reborn site, it truly means the most to me~! I certainly missed designing graphics, being interactive with other website builders, and just overall having my own little slice of the great WWW that was just for me to do what I like~ what a great time ^^ If someone had happened to screenshot being the 1000th visitor I would love for you to reach out to me either by email or the chatbox so that I could give you a personalized award ^^ Any who~! SOTM voting has begun~! So please vote at the poll for your favorite site~! The voting ends this coming Saturday the 11th! Okay onto the other updates:

2004 Grahpics Section
2020 Grahpics Section
New Enter Signs
New Welcome Signs
New Swapex Trades
1 New Award Option
1 Guessed Who
Won 4 Awards
5 People Claimed
Site of The Month Voting Has Begun

Okay I believe that's it for now~! More coming very soon~!

Happy New Year every one~! Phew I have quite the update! Meaning, it's a lengthy one! So let me try and get it all out in a orderly manner! First off I switched around some stuff on the layout and you may notice my little Gaia avatar~! If you are on Gaia than please message me or send me a friend request! Next, I added a Welcome Signs page! I also made 1 new Enter Sign. I was added to the JAUP listing which was really neat! ^^ I also joined a few other listing that you can see up in the right hand corner of the layout~! I also added a new affie, Rach's Brice Beckham Fansite~! A a new link exchange Minako's Sailormoon Page~! Please go check both out~! I added a Guess the Character contest~! If you guess correctly you will get a personalized award! I joined Tainted Wingz Wallpaper Contest, she needs more applicants so please go join! ^^ I also created a Swapex page, so please go check it out and Swap icons with me~! Nostalgia for the 2000s won two awards! If you have a site please go and apply for one too! I also gained more applicants for Site of the Month! I need two more applicants so please consider joining for the chance to win a spot on my layout for a month plus a personalized award! Well I think that is it for now~! I will have more up very soon as I have a lot of other stuff in the making~! Until next time! ^^

Alrighty, a lot was done today ^^. I added a lot of content under the graphics section. Hiatus, Closed, Enter, Moved, Welcome signs have been added. Blank buttons were put up. I added avatar templates. A few more hentai free badges for family friendly sites. I created a Site of the Month contest and I am currently looking for applicants, so if you are interested please check it out and join! I moved all of my voting links for the webcomps I'm in to their own seperate page. I also gained two new affies ^___^!!! They are now located at the top right of the website! Please go and check them out as their sites are absolutely amazing! I think that is all for now! I will have Awards for You up soon, along with some other content! So please keep an eye out for all of that! Until next time!

Alrighty, a lot was done today ^^. I added a lot of content under the graphics section. Hiatus, Closed, Enter, Moved, Welcome signs have been added. Blank buttons were put up. I added avatar templates. A few more hentai free badges for family friendly sites. I created a Site of the Month contest and I am currently looking for applicants, so if you are interested please check it out and join! I moved all of my voting links for the webcomps I'm in to their own seperate page. I also gained two new affies ^___^!!! They are now located at the top right of the website! Please go and check them out as their sites are absolutely amazing! I think that is all for now! I will have Awards for You up soon, along with some other content! So please keep an eye out for all of that! Until next time!

Okay! So I have been actually tweaking little bits and bobs behind the scenes, but now I feel like I can officially make an update! First off, I want to say a huge thank you to Salya over at Tainted Wings for becoming my first affie! What an honor! I remember having so many affliates almost 15 years ago and I made lasting friendships. Unfortunately all of their sites are no more. Please visit Salya's site! It is full of so much amazing content that will keep you entartained all day! So, other updates are that I adjust the current layout to have the tag board to be visable at all times. There are two new sections added under Graphics that includes anti hentai buttons, and also an avatar page full of avi's that can be used across the internet! I created a new button under Link Me. I think that is it for now! Please take a moment and sign my guestbook/tagboard and if you can spare more time vote for me at my website competitions! Until the next update!

Well Nightmare Fantasmic ~ Trapped Spirit is officially up and running! The current layout theme is of Sorcer Mickey from Disney's Fantasia! That is also the main theme of my domain's title! Nightmare Fantasmic is what is said by the Evil Queen during Disneyland's show Fantasmic! The website is still pretty bare, but hopefully will have tons of content up soon! I am pretty rusty at the whole website building and graphic designing, but I am trying my best to refresh! I am hoping to get some graphics up soon as well as some personal stuff! I am joining some website competitions that I used to compete in, and I so excited! Well I am off to update more!

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