This website is a reincarnation of my former domain Trapped Spirit - My Insane Mortality. That was my former graphic/personal site from the years of 2003-2005. After an extremely long break I have come back with the same (now retro) design and concept! Here you can find many interactive stuff for you such as winning an award for your website, Cyberstamps, claiming a character, guessing the current character, and more! I have also created the SITE-ID TCG that is open to anyone with a site to join! There are some retro graphics that I had made in 2004 available as well as 2020 ones! If you get really bored I do have some of my collections/personal pages that you can wander through! I hope you enjoy your stay at Nightmare Fantasmic!

Hiya howdy! Haha, it's me! Again TWO years later. Well, I have some excuses, life got really in the way. I unfortunately lost my father unexpectedly at the beginning of the year. Then back in September I was on the impact side of a T-bone car accident. I am well on my way to recovery but I did suffer a fractured ankle that needed surgery. Since I am on temporary disability from the accident I thought what better time than now to update the site? I am hoping to add a ton more content as well as finally add all of the stuff I have been slacking on posting the last five years. I need to redo SITE-ID as I have a new custom PC and all of my old PSP templates are gone. It's nice though, I have been playing so many games lately which has been exciting. Currently I'm playing New World. Any ways, I have a ton of ideas for the site so I'm trying to keep motivted with updating. I'm so sad to see quite a few of my affies/mutuals are gone now. I hope on to bigger and better things.
Well that's it for now! Thank you all for all of your patience.

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New Layout
Site of The Month Applicants Needed

More coming very soon~!

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