Do you think your site has got what it takes to win an award!?
Well you're right! It probably does!

Please read the rules below to apply!

1. Have a website!
2. Please sign my guestbook!
3. Make sure and link it back!

Now then! When you are ready email me the info below:

1. Your Name
2. Your Email
3. Web URL
4. Website Name
5. Site Description
6. Desired Award

Email Me

Now onto the selections!

Cute Site Award
Rank: Easy

For this award you must have a super cute site!
Perhaps a lot of fun characters, lots of color, and just
an overall kawaii-esque style!

1. Vongola Hideout
2. Cadnomori
3. Key's Klubhouse
4. Sukiyaki City

Fantastic Site Award
Rank: Easy

To win this award you must have at least 5 pages of content!
I would also like some sense of originality!
That's it! Easy peasy!

1. Nostalgia for the 2000's
2. Lurk-n-Leech
3. Cadnomori
4. Key's Klubhouse
5. Sukiyaki City
6. Perfect Duel

Super Site Award
Rank: Medium

To win this award you must have at least 10 pages of content!
I would also like some sense of originality!
Have content that your visitors can interact with!
Have a self made layout
That's it!!

1. Nostalgia for the 2000's
2. itsyaboypedro
3. Key's Klubhouse
4. Sukiyaki City
5. Perfect Duel

More awards coming soon!